Saturday, November 19, 2011


Happy Saturday, everyone. Wow. I crawl from the shadowy depths of my well-lit basement for one second, and the entire world is in uproar about how broke they are, and now they’re being all homeless on purpose, occupying the streets, bitching about this “1%”. Me, having little to no knowledge about whats going on, am deciding to share my opinions about it because I have a small audience and an internet connection. Here I go. (BE WARNED: THIS ENTIRE POST WILL BE THE PRODUCT OF NOTHING BUT MY OWN IGNORANCE. I HAVE DONE ABSOLUTELY NO RESEARCH. DONT QUOTE ME OR USE ME AS A SOURCE FOR ANYTHING. YOU WILL FAIL WHATEVER PROJECT YOUD BE USING ME FOR AND YOUR TEACHER WOULD HATE US BOTH IF THEY DONT HATE ME ALREADY.)

So, here’s what I see happening. There's a metric fucktonne of people. Everywhere. And they all live in countries. These countries have governments, and these governments need lots of money from the people that live in these countries. And
then something happened in like, 2007, and the entire world suddenly didn’t have money. Greece flipped the fuck out, and now they’re in a complete state of anarchy, but everyone’s content with just stowing that under the rug for now. And then in 2009-2010, North America had some money, but that didn’t last long for some reason, and now we have another worldwide economic fuckpile. There were some vicious riots in London, but they’re always mad about something or other, be it that university is too expensive, or FUCK THE ECONOMY,(they’re the birthplace of punk rock, so what do we expect) or something but I digress... Anyway, so one thing led to another, and now some schmucks in America found out that there’s 1% of the American population that doesn’t pay taxes because they’re super crazy rich or something. That made America very mad. And the rest of the world apparantly, So a bunch of people went to wall street, and started peacefully protesting. The rest of the world slowly followed suit, occupying their own streets, in cities worldwide, and now the European Union (Europe’s trading bloc, thank-you social 10-1) is deteriorating because Europe’s run out of money AND THEN CALGARY DID IT TO. WHY? WE HAVEN'T HAD AN ORIGINAL IDEA SINCE CHALLENGER FUCKING BLEW UP THATS WHY. So I don’t know why the entire worlds protesting, but I like to think they’re trying to send the fat cats in wall street a message that theyre fucking dump and should disperse taxes among all 100% of the population, so that the US can have more money, resume trading, and everyone sle can have money, too. But I don’t know. That’s wishful thinking. Also, memebase has tried to talk about it a lot. Writing things in sharpie about how theyre the 1% of something or other. Heres what I have to say (Aside from all that hogshit up there^):

The protests are going to do no good if you're protesting by any means that follow the rules. The reason there are laws about protesting are to keep it as ineffective as possible. If you're not willing to die for a cause, you're not willing to fight for it at all.
This message I taped to my door is a response to how fucking stupid I think the Occupy protests are and the 0% shows my abhorring indifference to the entire concept.
My dad saw it and took a picture to show people at work, and he thought it was me saying that I wasn't gonna clean my room. I didn't even think my room was messy. the people he showed did at least side with me, somehow. Oh well, I cleaned my room up a little anyway because that wasn't the point.

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