More or less, every morning, I will pound back two cups of coffee. And then on my way to work I will pick up two rockstars and pound those back.
Then when i get off work, I drink two MORE rockstars, and if i feel like it, suck back a large double-double before I go home.
How the hell I can sleep is beyond me. But its no question that I may have a slight caffeine addiction.
We all have our vices, I guess, and mine just so happen to be gratuitious ammounts of sketchy chemicals and then weed to bring me back down again.
And its not even like the rush I get from a lot of energy drinks is all that satisfying or really that prevalent, I just like drinking rockstar cause its tasty!!
And another thing I have learned as a lightweight, anyway...
Jaegermeister is your friend. Youre riding easy on your random hard liquor, and its kinda making you more groggy than drunk. Three shots of Jaeger and a can of redbull and suddenly it's intermission!
As the sleepiness that tries to take hold of you dissapates, you feel the other inhibitions melt away along with it.
Suddenly its time to drink more! And youre still feeling very little of it! This carries on until the caffeine wears off, and then youre still a wobbly mess, but without the vomit!
Versus firing blind, railing three tequila, pounding back three schooners, wobbling home and throwing up.
So yeah, I pound back lots of caffeine... But whatever! Least I kinda know how to party?
Namaste n shit
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