Saturday, November 12, 2011

VIC LEWIS 2012! ^o^

Wha-ho! Hey everyone, It's been awhile! There have been many reasons for this, but I don’t wanna talk about it right now, these last few weeks were too interesting. What I wanna talk about most though is last weekend, which I spent in Canmore at (yup, you guessed it) THE VIC LEWIS FESTIVAL! I already made a post about this, though I didn’t explain much! Well it is a yearly thing, happens every November, and its a thing where a few bands from Calgary get together and... Ignore each-other! Yeah! Anyway, this was a weekend, so lemme break it down for ya like this:

Friday was a normal school day for us (considering fridays end at like noon this isnt that big a deal) so this shit just flew by. I had a math quiz that I bombed because seriously if I gave less of a fuck id be taking one.

So anyway, school overed, but apparently the roads were really bad on the way to Canmore so we almost didn’t go, but HEY WE DID ANYWAY because FUCK YOU, NATURE. So we all packed our shit up, drove on a big ass bus to Canmore, unpacked, and not a lot happened that night, except for a big ol game of apples to apples where we actually managed to run out of green cards somehow. Yup. (Helen Keller and Adolf Hitler remain the greatest cards, By the Way)

the night was long and kind of cumbersome, the people in my room were kind of dicks, but more on that later...


The day started way too early, and with nothing to sustain me but the shitty hotel coffee that SOMEONE drank ALL OF the night before because APPARANTLY IT HELPS THEM SLEEP, it was kind of a stressful start. Oh yeah, and we were up and out about fourty-five minutes early. Way the fuck to go, everyone -slowclap-

anyway, some other random bullshit happened, we ended up where we were supposed to go, we played our music, and quite beautifully I may add, our adjudicator loved us, ad awesominum.

Other than that, it was a pretty relaxed day of dickin' around an empty high school with nothing to do but watch happy people shove their happiness in my face. Me, being quite fed up with the circumstances, totally ditched and went and got some poutine: Proof that there is indeed some kind of god, and they’re lookin' out for me. It was greasy concession stand poutine, too. Salty, warm, and filthier than what you'd find under Louise's bed. JUST THE WAY I LIKE IT.
Anyway, on with moar Saturday talk. There was a coalition for a tim's run, then it was back to the hotel for a few quick games of Prez, and then back to the school fer the best thing ever. T3H DANCE! LOLZOMGWTFBBQTROMPZORZAGARFZZZZFFGHASDFKLAGKLRASDFZZZSHSHZSHZSBZSHZSHHHHH-*dies*- but k seriously ive never had more fun at a dance than that one. THERE WERE GLOWSTICKS, AND DEADMAU5, AND AND AND THERE WAS KIDS DOING THE MACERENA TO DUBSTEP AND AND AND IT WAS FUCKING RAD! :D Seriously, I had a fucking blast. AND THEN IT GOT RUINED. Remember how I said the people in my room were kind of dicks? Yeah I was speaking in hyperbole. They were superdicks, not even kidding. Fuck, by the end of the night I felt as helpless and unwanted as Piggy from Lord Of The Flies...



You know in Alien, when that guy had the chest burster alien in his stomach? Thats how I felt that morning. And the bacon smell didnt help. THE BACON SMELL. DIDNT FUCKING HELP.
This feeling didnt really go away for quite some time. When I was on the bus I felt like shit. When I was shambling up the steps in the school I felt like shit. When I was trying not to throw up while listening to Aberhart concert Band's set I felt like shit. Eventually I just gave up, pulled my jacket over my head and passed out for a little while. I woke up every so often, cautiously checking my phone to see when my clinic was. When it came about time I sprung to my feet and flailed down the steps through the hallway, and apparated a pair of drumsticks because I fucking could. I didnt question this burst of energy, but accepted it as retribution for the shitty morning I had. It wasnt until after lunch when I bounced back fully. But the more I obtained in vitality I lost in emotional state. I continued to get sadder and sadder, and more and more jealopus of those around me. AND THEN FLETCHER CMAE AND MADE EVERYTHING BETTER BCAUSE THAT KIDS A FUCKING CHAMP. But then I got really lonely and sad again. And then we went home, I bitched about everything, and I went to sleep, not to return to school until after lunch, because band was cancelled, and I had spare second period.


  1. Oh no was I accidentally an entire superdick? D: Sorry mang... Very funny though this, keep doing the things :D

    (also... 2012? Check the year humpass!)

  2. i said 2012, because this school year is ending in 2012, the grade twelve students this year are graduating in 2012 so this is vic lewis 2012.
    You were only a superdick via influence, so i dont blame you, you are kind of a regular dick every other time though, but thats okay. People change, i guess.
