A few weeks ago I was actually doing something worth blogging about.
There was a sold out concert. For THE BEST BAND EVER. Can you guess who it is? No?
Anyway, there was a sold out show, and you'll never guess who got tickets!

Thats right! I did! Very good you're learning!
So it was a NoFX show, and considering that they NEVER play in Calgary, I was more than excited. So I invited my BEST FRIEND EVER and we get to MacEwan hall where the concert was, and I guess just because its in a university, it has to be like, confusing as all fuck.

So I call my other good friend who was already right at the stage but it was super loud there for some odd reason, and his directions were, well...

...We'll just say less-than helpful.

anyway, the opening band comes on, right?

And needless to say, I was both suprised and thoroughly impressed. I mean, a COUNTRY BAND OPENING FOR NOFX? AND IT SOUNDS... GOOD?

It was like their sound was perfectly contrasting AND complimenting what was to come. But what was to come didnt matter. It was all in the now, and it was beautiful.

Now, I suck at segues, soI think its time to break this moment like it was broken for me. Imma tell you about The sketchiest chick i think ive ever met. You know the witch from Left 4 Dead?
She looked kinda like that, but with blacker eyes, and... Less teeth. Yep. It's about time I told ya about MethMouth.

So yeah, this is MethMouth. She was by far the sketchiest... thing i think ive ever seen.
Tweaky, wiry, and half a set of teeth. Oh, my favourite.

So anyway, Old Man Markley eventually got off stage. And The next band came on. They were eh...

It would have been more enjoyable if A. They didnt take forever and B. we werent RIGHT up front next to the fency thingy.

and so after waiting forever they FINALLY got on stage. They were like that crappy band that took too long getting on and never left. Wait, no they werent like that at all. THEY WERE THAT CRAPPY BAND THAT TOOK TOO LONG GETTING ON AND NEVER LEFT.
Now heres when things got a little sketchy. First it started with the people in the mosh pit slamming against the fence. The fence that Nikki and I were up against.

lot of bumpng and slamming happened. And you'll never guess who popped by to say hello...

Thats right! MethMouth! You are doing so well!
Oh man, without even turning around I could tell, too. I could FEEL the menthols on her breath.

So aaanyway,

Nikki miust have saw that i was in a little bit of a predicament, becasue this is all I can really remember:

I think what happened was Nikki grabbed me as we were being shoved out from the middle, and not a moment too soon.
So anyway, here's what happened next or whatever

Anyway, we eventually found some safe place and the band was a lot more enjoyable. (I still hate them though.)

The show was mind-blowing.

AND THIS GUY. OH MAN, THIS GUY. ERIC FUCKING MELVIN. This dudes a champ, jsut so you know. So yeah, thats pretty much it for now. EXPECT MAJOR SHITFUCKING TO HAPPEN TO THE SITE. MAJOR. SHITFUCKING.
This is the best post so far, by far :D Very nice mang, meth mouth is terrifying and the sweet bros are just... so sweet.