I feel like I'm due for a verbal beating.
I don't know why, like, its not like I've done a whole lot wrong, but I still feel like I'm going unpunished for something.
And no, no one is going to want to read this, I understand.
But I really don't care one way or another! This is my blog, not yours, I shall post what I feel like posting. Deal with it. End of thought.
Okay. So, in typical teenaged boy fashion, I am VERY insecure, made jealous VERY easily (despite being in the WORST. DENIAL. EVER.), and am VERY incapable of handling these feelings I don't like.
Like, they don't just feel bad in my head or whatever?
It gets me to the point where I can't eat or can't sleep. Can't enjoy myself. I will randomly start hurting places. Nothing feels good. I feel awful, and there's nothing I can do.
Okay. Now here comes the part where I'm actually very afraid and very self conscious about what I am saying and putting online. I'm sure there are LOTS of depressing and self-absorbed blog posts like
this, being written right now, explaining a lot of worse things. Like things that actually matter and are real issues. But this is my head i'm trying to juice here. I have no reasons to feel bad or
insecure. And if I do, then there has GOT to be a many more reasons to feel good about myself. But I haven't felt good about myself for years. Well, I'm not too sure if that is true or not, but I cant
really remember the last time I really deserved to feel good about myself. Maybe just because I'm in a terrible mood right now and don't want to remember. OH god, I AM SUCH A FUCKING WHINY KID.
I'm glad I could vent out some of my shitty angst.
I'm also REALLY bad at painting space marines?